Greenhead College Catering Services
The college wish to be at the forefront of college catering and as such require a modern, branded offer that reflects the leading trends in the industry. At this time, the college's wish is to commence a catering contract, with a partner who shares their vision for a customer-focused retail service that attracts the maximum number of students. The meals that are to be provided must be appealing to customers, imaginative, provide good value for money and be nutritionally balanced to encourage all students to make an educated choice. The college's objectives for the new contract are as follows: - •A catering service that is well managed and requires minimal involvement from the college's management team. •A strong Contractor Area Manager who will develop and lead the team to deliver exceptional customer service, a consistently high-quality food offer and spend a substantial amount of time on site at the outset to undertake this. •A Contractor who is proactive in their relationship management with the college, with good communication with key college staff.•Investment in the college's Catering service through increased marketing, equipment to enhance the services and educational events in return for a tenure of contract. •Innovation to allow for speed of service, customer interaction improvements and renewed interest.•A higher number of students and staff using the facilities by providing a high quality, affordable and nutritious meal. •A catering service that encourages students to take a healthy and balanced meal. •Food and drinks that look appetising and are attractively presented and are priced accordingly and obviously for the consumer. •A hospitality service that will help showcase the college through events to parents and visitors. •A Contractor that adopts a flexible and proactive approach to all college activities. •A service that is professionally merchandised and marketed with discretion and to the mutual benefit of the college and the Contractor. •A Contractor that operates using the optimum level of staffing.•A Contractor who is willing to expand and develop the current skills in the team. •A Contractor alive to the current issues of sustainability.•A Contractor who can cater for vegan diets and other special requirements such as halal and gluten free as required.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
55500000 - Canteen and catering services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors