GridLink Interconnector Subsea HVDC Cable between the UK and France
The GridLink Interconnector comprises a nominal 1 400 MW high voltage, direct current (HVDC) electricity link between the UK and France. The overall project comprises 2 subsea HVDC cables and a fibre optic cable connecting to a symmetrical monopole, Voltage source converter (VSC) converter station located at Kingsnorthon the Isle of Grain, Kent in the UK and at Dunkerque, Nord Department, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region in France. The converter stations are subsequently connected by underground high voltage, alternating current (HVAC) electricity cables to the National Grid Kingsnorth 400 kV sub-station in the UK and RTE Warande 400 kV sub-station in France. The scope of the procurement relates to the engineering, procurement and installation of approximately 150 km of subsea HVDC cable between the converter stations in UK and France.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
31321500 - Submarine cable
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors