GSENZH - Housing data analytics software
The Greater South East Net Zero Hub (GSENZH) are procuring a License which provides Housing data analytics software with add on for modelling scenarios and retrofit pathways for the 48 local authorities in the GSENZH HUG2 consortia, with Planbuilder for the household interface. The license uses computer modelling to identify the most appropriate measures for properties based on cost estimates and building physics. The license will include: Portfolio - all domestic properties by local authority area, dashboard interface for modelling and identifying target areas. Pathways - policy decision supporting tool for a full energy model of an areas housing stock, baseline, performance and profile, identify installation options and investment scenarios. PlanBuilder Pro - provides a customer interface and branding for the retrofit scheme, the customer can confirm property details and a plan is built for retrofitting the property for delivery partners and the household. We are awarding using the PCR's 2015 Reg 32 (5) The negotiated procedure without prior publication may be used for public supply contracts- (b)for additional deliveries by the original supplier which are intended either as a partial replacement of supplies or installations or as the extension of existing supplies or installations where a change of supplier would oblige the contracting authority to acquire supplies having different technical characteristics which would result in incompatibility or disproportionate technical difficulties in operation and maintenance; A Standstill period of 10 days was applied and has concluded and the contract is awarded The cumulative value of the intended spend under the License, including early spend within the current financial year, together with the intended new spend of £231,644.00 for the financial years 2023-2025 totals £320,644.00
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors