GSTT - Workforce Wellbeing Study - ST21-P054
At Guy's and St Thomas' we are committed to ensuring our staff feel valued and receive the support they need. Our Showing we care about you (SWCAY) programme, which is largely funded by the Guy's & St Thomas' Charity offers a wide range of benefits and support to help our staff in their professional, personal and family life, to maximise wellbeing and ensure staff feel valued. Showing we care about you is a pan-organisational employee support programme available to all 22,000 staff across the Trust's main hospitals and community services. Our award winning 5 ways to a healthier YOU, is the health and wellbeing strand of the programme. This includes self-referral for physiotherapy, dietetic and smoking cessation advice and referral to specialist psychological support. In 2020-21, we enhanced the health and wellbeing offering by incorporating a staff psychological and spiritual care programme to support staff affected by COVID-19, a peer-to-peer support training programme and creating 'rest and recharge' wellbeing zones for staff to access during the pandemic as well as various other wellbeing offerings. We are now commissioning an evaluation partner to work with us to understand our impact on staff wellbeing across these four different programmes, in order to understand how best to support staff wellbeing in future. We are working with the Charity for a three year extension to the programme. The outcomes of this evaluation will inform the future service and any redesign required. To access this opportunity, please go to: htpps://
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1 Possible Competitors