
Guildhall Two Towers


Wednesday, 23 January 2019 Thetford Town Council is seeking costs for an architect to work with the Council and Historic England to restore the Guildhall Twin Towers TTC/19/002 Thetford Town Council have been invited to apply for a development grant from Historic England for the restoration of the cupolas on the Guildhall roof. Historic England have advised that the Council to initially appoint their lead adviser and then put in the application for the development grant based on the figures provided by the selected architect/surveyor. The successful candidate will need to be conservation-accredited by one of the following bodies: The AABC (Architects Accredited in Building Conservation) The RIBA (accreditation category SCA or CA, depending on the listing grade of the building) The RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) The CIAT (Chartered Institution of Architectural Technologists) The Partners are looking for a price to cover the two stages, beginning with what is known as project development, and then the following second stage which is the completion of the actual repairs. Additional essential information for shortlisting •Details of how your company and the staff you employ meet the requirements for Architects laid out by Historic England. Evidence to include CVs, and details of accreditations and membership of professional bodies. •Minimum of 2 examples of projects completed on historic buildings particularly working with Historic England and details of two referees. •A costed quotation for the works which gives a breakdown of costs for development and implementation phase (See table included in attachments). •The council requires a copy of your public liability insurance, and a copy of health and safety policy, and samples of risk assessments. •Costs of any additional surveys/works not included in the table above. Failure to supply any of the information requested in the attached specification will result in the Tender being rejected. Please note at this point no funds have been secured for this project and it will not start until a development grant has been received from Historic England Contact name and number: Roz Barnett, Amenities Land and Property Officer or Tina Cunnell Town Clerk (01842) 754247. Quotations to be received by noon, Friday 22th of February 2019. Tender to be sent in sealed inner envelopes to be clearly marked 'Tender - The Guildhall Two Towers Architect For the Attention of the Town Clerk, Thetford Town Council Postal Address The Carnegie, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2DS Tel: (01842) 754247 Details of the winning contract will be published IAW Local Government Transparency Code 2014. Should you require further information over and above the tender requirements then please do not hesitate to call. Yours sincerely Tina Cunnell BSc (Hons) Town Clerk


Published Date :

24th Jan 2019 6 years ago

Deadline :

22nd Feb 2019 6 years ago

Contract Start :

1st Apr 2019

Contract End :

31st Jan 2022

Tender Regions


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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors