GYBC Environmental Health, Planning and Licensing IT System
Great Yarmouth Borough Council ("GYBC", "the Council", "the Authority") is looking to replace a number of legacy systems covering the following service areas with one hosted system, allowing the Council to take advantage of the advances in technology: •Environmental Health (including but not limited to food safety, health and safety, pollution control, environmental protection, private water supplies) •Licensing (including but not limited to taxis, animal welfare, scrap metal, alcohol, TENs, gambling) •Planning and Building Control (including but not limited to development control, building control, LLPG and land charges) •ASB and community safety •Assisted living (including DFG and other grants) The system must be able to deliver improved customer experience, reduce administrative burden on officers, make use of self service, include mobile working, provide performance management reports/dashboards. The system must also be accessible to the Customer Service department fo
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CPV Codes
48000000 - Software package and information systems
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors