HAC5799 Tower Hamlets Prostitution Support Programme
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets is inviting tenders for the provision of a Prostitution Support Programme in the Borough from suitably qualified and experienced providers. The authority is seeking to award a contract under the Light Touch Regime - Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council recognises that on-street prostitution is a serious concern in the borough. Not only does prostitution have significant detrimental impacts on the individual engaging in it, but it also affects residents, the Council's partner agencies and the wider community. The main objective of this project is to provide outreach, case work & support services to women who are engaged in on-street prostitution within the borough, with the long-term aim of supporting them to exit. This is a fixed price contract with a value of £152,000 per annum (£380,000 for the 30 month contract period). Bidders will be required to demonstrate, how they will deliver against the requirements of the service specification with the available funding and how they will maximise the impact of the funding available in line with the service specification. The anticipated contract start date is 1st October 2022.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors