Haigh Woodland Park Phase Two Project - Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Application - Consultancy Support Services
Wigan Council, working in partnership with Inspiring healthy lifestyles are in the process of implementing a masterplan for Haigh Hall and Country park to regenerate the site through private and public-sector funding support. The Consultancy support services required are as follows: •Lot One - Consultation and Activity Development Planning •Lot Two - Conservation Management and Master Planning •Lot Three - Building, Structures and Landscape Design Consultancy Each of the Lots are divided into stages, as follows •HLF Stage One bid development (required now) •Development Stage (subject to Stage One bid development success) •Project Implementation Stage (Subject to Stage One bid development success) The Council are seeking expressions of interest via the restricted process, requiring interested parties to complete a supplier questionnaire. A minimum of 5 providers will be shortlisted for each lot to go forward to the tender stage; providers may apply for one, two or all lots. Further details are given in the Specification / Project Brief. As show above, this requirement also extends to scope out the services required during the development phase and project delivery stages of the project. The intent is to undertake a single procurement exercise for the consultant team so that beyond the stage one bid, subject to the application being successful, appointments can be commissioned for the development phase and subsequent project delivery stages. Appointments for the Development and Project Implementation stages of the project will be fully dependant on securing the funding to proceed through each stage of the project and the Council's decision making process.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors