HCC02/23- Framework Agreement for the Supply of Office and Commercial Furniture - AWARD
THIS FRAMEWORK IS NOW AWARDED TO THE FOLOWING SUPPLIERS: Albion Chairs Limited Unique Office Solutions Limited Office Update Ltd Emergent Crown Contract Office Furnishings Ltd Combined Office Interiors Ltd Bates Office Services Ltd Millar West Ltd Wagstaff Bros, Limited Posturite Limited John Pulsford Associates Ltd Flexiform Business Furniture Limited Interior Options Limited Verco Office Furniture Limited CCFI- Complete Contract Furniture Installations Dams Furniture Limited REF: 2023/S 000-020744 The Contracting Authority, acting on behalf of the Participating Authorities is leading on the procurement process to establish a Framework Agreement for The Supply of Office and Commercial Furniture (herein after referred to as 'Goods') to Customers in various locations throughout the United Kingdom including: Offices, schools, colleges, universities, libraries, fire stations, police stations, hospitals, recreation centres, day centres and all other public sector establishments. The Contracting Authority is seeking suitably qualified Contractors to supply the Goods and any related Services under any Agreement resulting from this tendering exercise. Details of the Goods required under this Agreement are given in the separate excel spreadsheet titled HCC2214198 - Pricing Schedule. The requirement is for both conventional and modern office furniture that will be used to adapt to the changing way in which employees now work and tenderers are expected to offer solutions to the changing working environment. It is a requirement that the successful contractor(s) will not only supply the Goods but assemble, install, and place in position on site in an area agreed with the Customer. Delivery must be free of charge to all Customers, unless otherwise agreed with the Customer, for example, if the delivery was urgent and required for the following day. Delivery must be pre-booked with the Customer giving a minimum of 24 hours' notice and arranged to fit in with the requirements and working hours of the Customer. The Customer must not help with the offloading of Goods or removal of the packaging. Deliveries must be fully installed and assembled in situ anywhere as required in the Customer's site. Herts FullStop reserve the right to market and supply Office and Commercial furniture under its own brand for advertisement in its catalogue, website or associated publications. The requirement is for the Contractor to provide marketing literature and support to facilitate this It is expected that the majority of the requirement will be for the items listed in HCC2214198 - Pricing Schedule. However, there will also be occasions when the Customers will require other items not included in the list of standard requirements and any additional items required should be priced at the discounted rates offered. The Goods required under this Framework Agre...
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
39130000 - Office furniture
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors