HCC - 03/23 - The Provision of Camera Enforcement Services for Bus Lane and Moving Traffic Contraventions
Hertfordshire County Council is currently out to procurement for Camera Enforcement Services for Bus Lane and Moving Traffic Contraventions The highway network provides one of the most important and valuable public facilities for Hertfordshire and it is continuously occupied for place, movement and asset management purposes. The competing and sometimes conflicting demands for use of the highway far outstrips its capacity and, therefore the network needs to be managed actively. In some cases, pro-active enforcement will be necessary to ensure that the local traffic management objectives are achieved. The Council is looking to undertake camera enforcement of bus lanes, bus gates and other moving traffic offences from early 2023. The necessary powers for unattended camera enforcement of bus lanes and gates were obtained in 2007 but enforcement is not currently undertaken. The Council is preparing to seek powers under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act (2004) for the civil enforcement of other moving traffic offences To support this ambition the Council wants to procure an optimum service from a single end-to-end provider through a four-year contract, extendable to seven years. This procurement is an open process. Organisations wishing to take part in this project are invited to 'express an interest' and also 'opt in' which will give access to the full procurement documents in the e-tendering system. To be considered as a Tenderer you must complete and submit a Tender by the deadline of 12 noon on the 21st April 2023 Please allow sufficient time to make your return, as Tender submissions cannot be uploaded and submitted after this return deadline. Please ensure that where possible documents are uploaded as a PDF and that file names are succinct. Any questions relating to this procurement must be made via correspondence on the website, in accordance with the procurement documents, and can be addressed to the main contact as shown in the details above. Tenderers should be aware that due to the nature of the Services provided, any Contract formed as a result of this procurement process shall be executed as a deed. Tenderers should seek independent legal advice on the implications of this prior to submitting their Tender, where appropriate. The use of Lots has been considered for this procurement, but have not been used, because the Council requires an end to end' holistic service from a single supplier, who will manage the internal interfaces or the supply chain themselves. Please note that the contract requirements will be subject to available financial resources, supplier performance and flexibility to meet changing demands. To access this opportunity please visit
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71311220 - Highways engineering services
63712710 - Traffic monitoring services
34970000 - Traffic-monitoring equipment
71311210 - Highways consultancy services
63712200 - Highway operation services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors