HDD-ITT-54078 - Provision of Active Monitoring for Adults – Tywi Taf Cluster Area
Active Monitoring for Adults is an evidence-based mental health and wellbeing service. Active Monitoring for adults is an early intervention service to support mental wellbeing as soon as a person needs it. Whilst this service can be offered to people presenting to GPs with a range of symptoms associated with common mental health problems such as anxiety, mild depression, stress and worry and low confidence and self-esteem, it is open access which evidence tells us prevents people needing to see a GP in the first place.Adults who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health problems should be able to access the help and support they require, in a timely manner. Tywi /Taf cluster are seeking to commission a single provider to deliver mental health active monitoring services/ early intervention service for adults to support all eight GP Practices within the cluster. The service will fill a gap in mental health needs within the Tywi /Taf area to deliver timely efficient, active monitoring to the patients of the cluster to decrease mental health difficulties and increase wellbeing. The service will offer a combination of face to face and virtual sessions and aim to deliver an efficient service across Tywi /Taf locality.Services will be provided to adults aged 18+ residing within the Tywi/Taf cluster area providing GPs and Primary Health Care professionals direct access to an evidence-based programme for adults experiencing mental health problems, including, but not limited to anxiety and depression.The service will Meet the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015 ‘A Healthier Wales’ by providing the ‘together for mental health’ objectives of improving mental wellbeing by giving the adults in Tywi/Taf cluster the information and support they need to sustain and improve their mental health and self-manage their mental health problems. Also, by encouraging a renewed focus on prevention and early intervention via an open referral process whereby patients can self-refer in addition to referrals via the GP or Health or Social Care Practitioner.Active Monitoring (AM) is a self-directed psycho-educational programme made up of 5 telephone or face to face interventions, to meet the needs of the individual over an 8-week period with a 20-minute assessment and a total of 2.25 hours of support. The service is offered to people presenting to GPs with a range of symptoms associated with common mental health problems such as anxiety, mild depression, stress and worry and low confidence and self-esteem. It is a service GP can directly refer to for when a person first presents at their GP and/or during the ‘watchful waiting’ period (Depression Management of depression in primary care and secondary care (2004) NICE Clinical Guidance 23).The service can also be successful to reduce frequent attender visits to practices who may present with symptoms of low to moderate mental health problems.This is an open referral service allowing self-referral in addition referrals via GP’s or other Health or Social Care practitioners.
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85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
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1 Possible Competitors