
Health and Disability Assessment Services.


DWP has a current provider in place until 2015. DWP is looking at potentially increasing capacity from 2014 and it is possible suppliers may be invited to bid to provide services on the basis of increasing volumes over an initial period. More information will be provided in the Invitation to Tender (ItT).DWP administer a range of social security benefits for people unable to work or who need help due to sickness or disability. Health and disability assessments are carried out to support these benefits – for example to support decisions on entitlement to benefit and the level of benefit award. DWP is tendering for this contract to deliver assessments on behalf of the awarding Authority, its Executive Agencies and those Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) sponsored by DWP, and on behalf of other bodies, including but not limited to the Ministry of Defence, Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Services, Her Majesty's Custom and Excise, the Department of Health and Northern Ireland Departments.Delivery of the assessments may involve, but will not be restricted to:— the consideration of an individual's circumstances, their health and disability and the impact of these;— assessing individuals against criteria prescribed by DWP;— the gathering and consideration of evidence to support the above;— the completion of an assessment report on the individual's circumstances, including advice to DWP – for example, to support DWP staff in determining claimant entitlement to benefits;— the referral of assessment reports to DWP;— follow up liaison with DWP in relation to assessment reports;— access to relevant health professional expertise as required; and— auditing of the quality of assessments, reporting to DWP on this and assisting DWP and its contractors in follow-up activity to examine quality.The primary focus of the contract will relate to assessments delivered in relation to Employment and Support Allowance and Universal Credit. However, assessments may also be required in relation to Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit; the Vaccine Damage Scheme and other social security benefits.Assessments will need to be delivered at various locations throughout the UK, with an expectation that claimants will not need to travel more than 90 minutes by public transport for an assessment. Some provision will need to be made for home visits. DWP will not be providing estate for delivery of the services and would particularly welcome innovative location / service delivery strategies.The expectation is that assessments will be completed by health professionals regulated by the General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council or the Health and Care Professions Council and meeting other criteria related to experience, training and competence prescribed by the Contracting Authority. These criteria may be subject to change over the life of the Contract.Provision will be required to support assessments for Welsh speaking customers.IT systems may or may not be required, and may or may not be provided by the Contracting Authority in relation to the services to be provided. The extent to which a Health and Disability Assessment Service provider will need to provide relevant supporting IT is to be determined, however any IT services that form part of the contract delivery will be required to adhere to DWP security standards and be security accredited by DWP.Contact centre support arrangements may or may not also be required. A specification of requirements will be included in the ItT documentation.Contracts will be divided into the following Lots:1. North West England / North East England / Scotland2. Central England / Wales3. London / Southern EnglandOrganisations may compete to be included in one, all or any combination of the Lots. Further details will be given in the ItT documents.Contract duration will be 3 years with the possibility of extending for a further 2 years (extending on an annual basis).These are part B services and the DWP will not be bound by the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended); except as such Regulations are applicable to part B services. This notice and any subsequent notices are placed voluntarily.DWP considers that these contracts may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SME) to bid or join together with other economic operators to bid to provide the services. For the avoidance of doubt, DWP points out that no weight will be attached to whether or not any economic operator bidding or involved in a bid is a SME in selecting economic operators or in assessing the most economically advantageous tenderDWP will manage the procurement through our e-procurement solution. All interested parties should register by 5.30pm on 20.9.2013 (as set out in this Notice at IV 3.3 and IV 3.4) at for further details.


Published Date :

6th Sep 2013 11 years ago

Deadline :

20th Sep 2013 11 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors