Health & Wellbeing Services into Atkinson Secure Children's Home
Devon County Council is recommissioning the following health and wellbeing services into Atkinson Secure Children’s Home: • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) • Nurse Service • Speech and Language Therapy Service The contract will commence on 1st April 2025 and will expire on 31st March 2029. There is an option to potentially extend the contract for a further 3 periods of 12 months. Atkinson Secure Childrens Home is a purpose-built welfare only secure unit in Exeter which is managed by Devon County Council and provides full residential care, healthcare, and education on site in dedicated facilities. The home is registered for 8 young people who are aged between 10 and 17 years-old and accommodated under section 25 of the Childrens Act 1989. The home has been operating for over 30-years and young people are placed with in Atkinson due to either having a history of absconding or are likely to abscond, likely to suffer significant harm or likely to injure themselves or others. Atkinson secure children’s home provides a nurturing and caring atmosphere which develops young people’s confidence and self-esteem. All staff are trained in attachment, trauma and restorative approaches enabling the home to effectively manage behaviour and repair relationships. In the most recent Ofsted Inspection in September 2023, Atkinson Secure Childrens Home received a grading of ‘Outstanding’, prior to which they had maintained a grading of ‘Good’ for 6-years. Feedback following the inspection noted that “The secure children’s home provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the children’s home contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children and young people who need help, protection and care.” Devon County Council currently have a section 10/75 agreement with NHS England to commission the health and wellbeing services. The section 10/75 in place in this arrangement constitutes a transition between the previous Section 10 and an intention to align to Section 75 agreements throughout the secure estate. Pursuant to Section 10 of the Childrens Act 2004 and Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006 the Local Authority must make arrangements to promote co-operation between the authority and the authority’s relevant partners. These arrangements are to be made with a view to improving the well-being of children in the authority’s area relating to their physical and mental health and emotional well-being. For this purpose, NHS England is a relevant partner of the local authority with an area of responsibility which falls within the area of the authority. This notice is placed to set out Devon County Council's intention to award a contract under the Most Suitable Provider Process of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors