Health System Recovery from COVID-19: Learning from International Experience
This project needs to rapidly inform the health system covid recovery strategies of NHS England and Improvement and the NHS more widely. The provider must deliver recent analysis and insights on key elements of recovery strategies in comparable countries. This must cover elective care backlogs, workforce, beneficial changes and future resilience. Analysis and insight should cover at least eight countries - Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Austria and Spain - and wider context across the OECD. It should build on previous analysis of international system recovery, particularly the following 2020 report by the Nuffield Trust. It must include quantitative and qualitative analysis. Deliverables must include: i.An initial desk based analysis by end of June 2021 ii.Three full on-line round tables covering elective care and beneficial changes, workforce, and future resilience - bringing together leaders from healthcare providers, commissioners/insurers, ministries and country experts. At least two must be held in July 2021 ,and the final round table in September 2021 iii.Follow up interviews, where necessary with NHSE/I staff, to probe key themes and case studies, and the facilitation of links to experts which NHSE/I to engage with independently iv.A full publicly published report, published in early Autumn, including quality assurance v.Effective dissemination of the finding across the NHS - the provider will need to demonstrate an extensive track record of dissemination The team need to have an established international track record, including a formal role in a recognised international health network which can enable the rapid gathering of insight and engagement of experts. Suppliers capable of meeting these requirements are asked to contact the named individual.
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79315000 - Social research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors