Healthcare Simulation Manikins
The institute of Health employs simulation of clinical practice as a learning and teaching methodology for healthcare students, and the use of human patient simulators (HPS) manikins is an important aspect of this methodology. By using HPS manikins we are able to replicate real-life scenarios whilst minimising risk to real people. These manikins have a unique operating and control system in-built into the product. They also have unique serviceable components which are exclusive to their products alone. The HPS manikins are also used in summative assessments such as Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) where students must demonstrate their competence in a particular clinical skill by performing this or interacting with the HPS manikin. We need to have the same HPS manikins on all sites to ensure reliability/validity and fairness of assessments and therefore have relied on Regulation 32, 5(b), negotiated procedure without prior publication.
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CPV Codes
33100000 - Medical equipments
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors