Heat Mapping and Energy Master Planning in Reading Town Centre - AWARD
Reading Borough Council is seeking consultants to undertake a heat mapping exercise with a focus on future development sites in Reading's Town Centre. This includes energy master planning for combined heat and power, district heating and decentralised power opportunities for Reading. Reading Town Centre is experiencing an accelerated development growth and there is consideration for Decentralised Heating in a number of schemes (eg. Kenavon Dr L&Q, Station Hill and Royal Mail) but more work needs to be done in terms of options for location of Energy Centres and potential for connectivity. Heat networks have been identified by the UK government as an important part of the UK's future low carbon energy supply. They are particularly well suited to areas with high density and diverse potential consumers. The development of heat networks is also viewed as a way of addressing issues around security of energy supply, reduction of fuel poverty, economic development and the creation of a potential revenue stream. The study is needed in order to provide evidence base of the potential of district heating in new development and to assess high level technical and financial feasibility of future schemes in the context of a the new Local Plan currently being reviewed.
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1 Possible Competitors