Heat Supply from Woodchip for Biomass Boiler for the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
NHS GG&C require the purchase of a heat supply agreement through a woodchip supply contract for the 3.2 MW biomass plant at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley.The contract will comprise of the supply of heat measured through a heat metering system from woodchip which feeds the biomass boiler system along with the removal of ash produced by the biomass system.Wood chip providers must be registered on the Biomass suppliers list and be able to provide wood chip to the requirements are defined as Fuel specification, classification according to CEN / TS 14961, Size P-100, Moisture Content — M40 to M50 Further to this wood chip providers must be able to deliver the wood chip in a 90-100 m3 moving floor vessel. Expected volume of woodchip required to fill the fuel store will be in the region of 400m3 or thereby (140 tonnes or thereby). The following woodchip tonnage calculations have been based on calculation 2.9.1 Calculation of the woodchips requirement for a boiler in the Wood Fuels Handbook:NCV30 = 12.2Mj/kg = 3.4kwh/kg.Estimated annual consumption = 16 235 844 kwh (@ 60 % of total required capacity).Plant efficiency = 85 %.Total woodchip tonnage requirement = (Heat to be supplied/NCV/plant efficiency)/ 1000.= (16 235 844 / 3.4 / 0.85 )/1000.= 5617 tonnes PA."NB these figures are estimates based on 30 % moisture content of a non specific wood. These figures should not be taken as binding but as examples only".Heat from the woodchip will be measured by a steam metering facility in accordance with the agreed metering arrangement that will be accepted by OFGEM.Wood chip providers must be able to remove the ash produced by the biomass boiler in accordance with the guidelines set out in Container Handling Equipment Manufacturers (CHEM) Technical Standard Number 8 — Basic demountable subframe for hook units.
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CPV Codes
3413000 - Fuel wood
9111400 - Wood fuels
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1 Possible Competitors