Heating Upgrade Works Delgany NS - Heating Centre Replacement and Gas works at Delgany National School,
This project entails the replacement of the existing heating centre, including pumps and headers, while radiators, heating services pipework, etc. within the building shall be retained. Refer to the drawings for further information on the works to be carried out.The scope of the works will be as follows: •New natural gas supply to the boilerhouse.•Decommissioning and removal from site of the existing floor standing cast-iron oil boiler. The existing boiler shall be replaced with a new Hybrid System consisting of Air Source Heat Pumps and a gas condensing boiler. •Decommission and removal from site of the existing flue for the existing cast-iron oil boiler.•Decommissioning and making goo of the existing oil tank and bund wall.•Supply and installation of a new gas condensing boilers in the boilerhouse in replacement of the existing floor mounted boiler. •Supply and Install air source heatpumps externally to the boiler house, and connect via a buffer tank to the hybrid system.•Supply and Installation of new direct gas fired water heater. •Supply and installation of new flue to suit the new gas boiler and water heater. •Decommissioning and removal from site of the existing MCC controls panel. The existing MCC controls panel shall be replaced with a new MCC controls panel. •Decommissioning and removal from site of the existing flow and return headers and heating circulating pumps in the boilerhouse. The existing heating circulating pumps shall be replaced with new variable speed energy efficient heating pumps.•Decommissioning and removal from site of all the heating services pipework in the boilerhouse. New heating services pipework shall be installed throughout the boilerhouse to suit the new installation.•Supply and installation of new heating services and water services pipework in the boilerhouse to suit the new arrangement. Refer to drawings and specifications for further information. •All associated preliminaries for the project.•All associated decommissioning
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45251200 - Heating plant construction work
45351000 - Mechanical engineering installation works
45350000 - Mechanical installations
51100000 - Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors