HELGA DPS RM3824 Stage 2 - Decarbonisation Consultancy
Stage 2 of Crown Commercial Services DPS - Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets (HELGA) RM3824 Those who responded affirmatively to the capability assessment issued were invited to the Stage 2. •The scope of service comprises two parts that the Consultant shall be required to deliver: •Building decarbonisation plans for circa 45no. public sector owned buildings, covering a whole building approach, and including detailed feasibility study with business case assessment and completed PSDS 3b application form; and •Options appraisal of potential funding/ delivery models for implementing the decarbonisation interventions identified by the building decarbonisation plans. The assessment should cover a range of suitable funding options and delivery models and identify the associated benefits/ risks/ legal and other considerations. The range of delivery models must cover two scenarios: oSingle site (i.e., each site taken forward separately) oSingle portfolio of sites per District Council (eight portfolios in total of varying scale)
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1 Possible Competitors