The Living Levels Partnership is looking to contract heritage professionals to help deliver several important outputs and outcomes of the Living Levels ‘Recapturing the Historic Landscape’ Project. This project will investigate the development of the landscapes of the Gwent Levels through an examination of historical maps, field survey and test-pit archaeological excavations in historic villages. The project will also explore features of the historic drainage system that were created over the last millennium through a combination of investigative techniques using historical maps, LiDAR data and field survey. The records of the Commissioners of Sewers for Monmouthshire in Gwent Archives includes a comprehensive set of maps of 1830/31 which have been digitised, geo-referenced and uploaded to a Geographical Information System (GIS) in the Development Phase for this project. The GIS now needs to be adapted for volunteer use to enable different types of historical analysis and the creation of multiple layers of information. This will be complemented by field survey and small-scale archaeological test pits organised in villages. These processes will re-engage local people and others interested in the area in re-discovering a nationally-important historic landscape, created and maintained by local people’s actions for at least 1,000 years. In so doing the project will provide rich content which will inform and underpin the development of new (fully licensed) interpretation at the series of Primary and Community Hubs which will be designed to improve the visitor experience across the Levels and help reconnect people to this historic landscape.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors