Hertfordshire and West Essex Healthier Together Website
The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) is adopting the Healthier Together website to be maintained on the existing ICS platform. The initiative supports access to guidance and information regarding common illness for children, young people, families and healthcare professionals. The initiative is being escalated to support the COVID response into winter, ensuring families have access to guidance and support, thereby reducing the reliance on services such as Primary Care, 111 and A&E Departments. The website has been developed by Frank Design Ltd with specialist MDT input from professionals in West Essex and is endorsed by NHS England and Improvement. This will be part of a national network to support continued development and maintenance in line with national guidance. The requirement is only available from a single source as Frank Design Ltd developed the original website and therefore have the Intellectual Property rights. In addition to this, consistency with the original website is key to the effectiveness and long-term sustainability of the project and the platform. West Essex CCG are the lead commissioner for the contract on behalf of the Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS.
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CPV Codes
48000000 - Software package and information systems
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors