HH055-23-SC Teleradiology Reporting Services
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (A&B HSCP) currently outsource the Elective CT and Plain Film Imaging, Out of Hours (OOH) CT scans, and “in hours” ED and in Patient CT scans on an irregular basis. The current Consultant Radiologist establishment is 0.9 Working Time Equivalent (WTE) and is likely to reduce to 0.8. One Consultant Radiologist (0.8 WTE) retired in December 2022 and the Consultant Radiologist has not been replaced. CT demand has increased by 74% since 2012, when 2.1 WTE Radiologists were in post. Sub-Specialty CT reporting is also required, including CT Colonoscopy, Head and Neck and potentially CT Coronary Angiography and these areas are often difficult to cover. This has made outsourcing a major requirement for A&B HSCP Radiology.
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CPV Codes
85150000 - Medical imaging services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors