High and Medium Supported Accommodation for Homeless Young People: Final call for competition.
Young People's Homelessness Accommodation Pathway: Final Call for Competition. Applicants should read all the information carefully before applying. To see all the information and to apply use this link - Bristol City Council is seeking experienced partners to provide accommodation and support in Bristol to homeless young people who require support. Partners will provide and manage good quality accommodation and provide support to young people referred into the accommodation to help them recover from homelessness and move on to suitable accommodation or back home where it is safe to do so. Partners must be experienced and expert at working with homeless young people with a range of complex needs including poor mental health, alcohol and substance misuse and psychological trauma, as well as high risk behaviour(s). Providers must have access to suitable accommodation (in 1-2 or even 3 units: these will need to be adequately staffed overnight), including relevant planning consent. An ability and willingness to work in close partnership with other organisations is essential. You will need to provide evidence that you have accommodation that could be used in the young people's homelessness pathway from 1st April 2019 and that this accommodation is likely to be available for the length of this contract including potential extension (total 5 years). The buildings should be habitable in accordance with Bristol City Council's housing standards, including Decent Homes, housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS), and offer some disabled access in accordance with Equality legislation (Equality Act 2010).
Published Date :
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Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors