High Performance Computing Wales
The Contracting Authority is a company limited by guarantee whose members consist of six Universities in Wales, namely Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff University, Swansea University, University of Glamorgan and University of Wales. The Universities are collaborating to establish and operate a world class, state of the art high performance computing capability across these and other Universities in Wales to provide enabling technology and services that deliver inter alia research innovation, high level skills development and transformational ICT for economic benefit (“the Project”). HPC Wales, together with the participating Universities, will form the basis of a research and innovation institute and high performance computing skills academy. HPC Wales will operate as a Research Organisation for the purposes of the European Community Framework for State aid for Research and Development and Innovation. The Contracting Authority is seeking to appoint a suitable contractor to work with HPC Wales and the participating Universities, and in particular to supply to HPC Wales for the purposes of the Project (and in certain circumstances to the participating Universities) technical and other infrastructure, support services, training, research collaboration services and other associated services and facilities. (Detailed information is set out in a Memorandum of Information which is available on request - see section VI.3 for details.)
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors