High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, Phase One Stations - Framework Agreement for HS2 Customer Information & Signage
This procurement is to establish a single-supplier Framework Agreement for Customer Information & Signage (CI&S) for the family of station elements that provide digital and fixed (non-digital) signage and customer information relating to wayshowing, train departures and arrivals information, customer assistance and emergency signage. These elements will be designed and installed throughout the HS2 Phase One Stations to provide customer information in a clear and consistent way to enhance the safety and efficiency of millions of customer journeys and reflect the core values of the HS2 design vision across the entire network. The Framework Agreement is being established for use by HS2 Ltd and for use by the other Contracting Bodies defined in VI.3 below. Further information on the Framework Agreement and Call-Off Contracts to be called off under it is included in the PQP and accompanying procurement documents.The vision for the CI&S products is for a family of integrated products combining typeface, graphics, and product design, with a focus on customer experience. The vision is to ensure that the products support the HS2 wayshowing strategy, contribute to the positive experience of customers, strengthen the identity of the HS2 Phase One Stations and provide passengers with a safe, stress free and accessible journey.The CI&S components included in the scope of the Framework Agreement will comprise of the following:•Fixed Signage,•Digital CIS Screens,•Assistance Points,•Dynamic signage and Emergency Do Not Enter.
Published Date :
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Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44423400 - Signs and related items
34924000 - Variable message signs
72244000 - Prototyping services
31523200 - Permanent message signs
34928470 - Signage
31523000 - Illuminated signs and nameplates
34992000 - Signs and illuminated signs
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors