High Streets Music Commission 2022 (working title)
Over summer 2022, Historic England will bring music to the high street. We want to bring special and diverse places together to help people feel pride in their high street. Through a series of commissions, new music will be created that celebrates the high street and encourages people to spend time there by capturing what is unique about the heritage and culture of 6-10 High Street Heritage Action Zones. The new musical outputs will be performed on the high streets, potentially coinciding with a national event such as Make Music Day or National High Streets Day (details and dates TBC). The musical outputs will be recorded and held on a platform such as Sound Cloud, to be made available online via partner and/or Historic England's websites. We want this commission to help people reconnect with their high streets, seeing them as places that can thrive and are of relevance to them and their lives. We want to inspire people to take action to support the high streets local to them. The work and outputs from the commission will be considered for submission into the Historic England Archive, the nation's archive for records of England's historic buildings, archaeology and social history.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors