Higher Active Waste Thermal Treatment Research and Development Programme
The Higher Activity Waste Thermal Treatment (HAWTT) research and development programme seeks to develop active demonstrators to consider the impact of thermal treatment technologies on specific forms of High Level Waste. The specific waste form dealt within Tranche 1 is plutonium contaminated material (PCM) Advancing on current thermal treatment technologies, Sellafield have been requested by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to deliver demonstrators to produce information that may underpin a strategic decision as to the most appropriate means of treating specific forms of this High Level Waste, so that it may be stored and managed safely. This will further inform the broader strategic direction across the NDA estate.The Contract to which this notice relates, is for the supply of a distinct thermal treatment technology for deployment within the development of an integrated system for the purposes of research of development.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors