Highways Repair and Maintenance works based on Dayworks (Labour, Plant and Material) Rates
The authority is seeking to establish a framework agreement with the successful tenderer(s).Tenderers are expected to supply the service to any location within the administrative boundary of Lancashire County Council.Details of lots:Lot 1: General Civils (includes Maintenance and Shallow Drains): highway maintenance/cyclic maintenance/construction/shallow channel drainage;Lot 2: Deep Drainage: point drainage, which intercepts water at gullies (points). Gullies connect to drainage pipes beneath the ground surface and deep excavation is required to facilitate this system. Support for deep trenches is required in the shape of planking, strutting or shoring;Lot 3: Confined Spaces: confined spaces defined as cellars, chambers, pits, tanks, flues, boreholes, manholes, sewers, drains, pipes, boilers, shafts, tunnels, culverts;Lot 4: Structures: construction, maintenance and repairs of Bridges, structures and retaining walls.Tenderers can apply for any combination of the above lots
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors