HiPLExSon (Readvertisement).
Project title:HiPLExSonEquipment required:Preparative scale High Performance Counter Current Chromatography systemSummary:HiPLExSon is a research project funded by the Welsh Government through the European Regional Development Fund based at the Institute of Biological Environmental and Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University. The project aims to twin the processing and separation technologies of sonobioprocessing and High Performance Counter Current Chromatography (HPCCC).Counter current chromatography (CCC) is a liquid chromatography technique that uses two immiscible liquid phases (rather than a liquid/solid system as in conventional liquid chromatography). One liquid acts as the stationary phase and the other as the mobile phase with the liquid stationary phase held in place either by gravity or by centrifugal force. While the technology is complementary to LC it can have significant advantages for preparative separations through higher throughput and process efficiencies provided by the lack of a solid matrix. Compounds separate according to differences in their partition coefficients between the two liquids.High Performance Counter Current Chromatography (HPCCC) uses high centrifugal forces together with a planetary rotation of an open coiled tubular column to achieve rapid separations.Estimated value of contract: £125,000Equipment SpecificationHPCCC system comprising:•A preparative HPCCC Instrument fitted with twin PFA coils•A solvent delivery system allowing quaternary phases to be mixed on demand at flow rates up to 300ml/min•An automated injection system capable of injecting sample volumes of up to 200ml•Sample loading pumps for automatic sample loop filling•Temperature controlled solvent reservoirs (25 litres)•Normal / reverse phase switching valve•UV/VIS Diode array detector•Fraction Collector Valve•PC and Monitor•Data acquisition and system control software
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