Hiring of QinetiQ environmental facilities for thermal burden research
Hiring of an environmental chamber of appropriate size to enable completion of two phases of research. The first phase is to assess the thermal burden of the Load Carriage component of the Role Fitness Test (Soldier) RFT(S) and the second phase is to assess the whole RFT(S) with 10 to 20 individuals at one time. The environmental facility must be able to set the ambient temperature to at least 20˚C, control humidity and emit heat mimicking solar radiation. Provision of medical support to appropriately manage any potential heat illnesses during testing is also required. It was decided to use the QinetiQ LTPA framework this procurement as QinetiQ are the only UK supplier that has environmental chambers big enough to conduct this research. An LTPA tasking form was sent to QinetiQ and they quoted the Authority a price for the hiring of the chambers. This price was accepted and a contract was awarded to QinetiQ.
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors