HMP Styal Healthcare Improvement BPRN: 600/21/7238
- The project involves the construction of a new modular healthcare facility at HMP Styal to replace the existing healthcare facility which does not meet clinical standards, constrains the staff working there due to the size of rooms and facilities as well as being generally run-down. Once the modular facility is installed, staff and relevant equipment from the existing healthcare facility will be moved into the new facility. The existing healthcare facility will then be left safe with no further use, repurpose or remedial works identified within the scope of this project A constructor has been appointed for the design and build of the project. This is a two stage Design and Build Contract let under the PPC2000 (Amended 2013) Form of contract. The original estimated value of the contract was calculated by MOJ, and its Cost Consultants following desktop and non-intrusive surveys and was based on information reasonably known at the time and arrived at via a thorough and appropriate methodology. The first stage will involve the constructor providing Pre-construction surveys and design services at a cost of £395,782.00. It is expected that the total construction cost of the project will be c£9m.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45216113 - Prison building construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors