HMPPS Norwich Fire Safety Improvements BPRN 580/20/6934
Fire Safety Improvements (FSI) to the built environment that are fit for purpose, comply with current standards, and adhere to the requirements of the latest Crown Premises Inspection Group (CPIG) report, by addressing the fire alarm, smoke detection, suppression, and ventilation systems, in addition to passive fire safety improvements. The improvements will also ensure adherence to the MoJ's four-point strategy for improving fire safety across the public-sector prison estate. A constructor has been appointed for the design and build of the project. This is a two stage Design and Build Contract let under the PPC2000 (Amended 2013) Form of contract. The original estimated value of the contract was calculated by MOJ, and its Cost Consultants following desktop and non-intrusive surveys and was based on information reasonably known at the time and arrived at via a thorough and appropriate methodology. The contractor has been paid an initial sum of £1,347,915.61 to proceed with intrusive surveys and the developed design of the works.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45216113 - Prison building construction work
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors