HMPPS - Shared Reading Groups
Psychologically Informed Planned Environments (PIPEs) have been developed jointly by NHS England and HMPPS as part of the Offender Personality Disorder Pathway, to consolidate the benefits of more formal treatment, and to support 'stuck' prisoners (and former prisoners) through a pathway of change, including through socially creative sessions. The requirement is for Shared Reading Groups, to be offered on a weekly basis within approximately 30 PIPEs in HMPPS settings, including Prisons and Approved Premises across England. The aim of the requirement is to enable shared relational space with external facilitators, to encourage attendees to find a way to articulate thoughts and feelings with a piece of shared reading being the medium to relate to. At this stage, the Authority is looking to engage with suitable providers in the market to gain information on capacity, capability and appetite for this requirement. A questionnaire has been produced, which we encourage interested providers to complete. The link to complete the questionnaire is here: The deadline for completion of the questionnaire is 23:59hrs on Friday 6th October 2023. Providers can also register interest in this opportunity by emailing, in order to be informed of any further Market Engagement events. This exercise is purely market engagement and does not commit the Authority to a formal procurement. Information provided in this PIN is subject to change.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors