Holbeach AWR - Provide Barge Hulk to Replace Target
Expressions of Interest are requested for the below works:The existing Target comprises of 2 no. coal barges, which are approximately 30 metres each in length with the deck sitting roughly 4 metres above the sea bed.The range has been in use since 1926, due to this the discovery of unexploded ordinance is common throughout the entire area which is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Due to the age, the target is no longer serviceable and now requires full replacement due to sustained heavy attrition from users and tides over the years.The Works; - The proposed development is for the construction and positioning of two new barges within the air range at the target. The new targets will be formed of two barges that will be 30m in length by 6m in width and 5m in height orientated alongside the existing targets. These new barges will form a 60m long target at 5m high. The new target barges will be constructed off-site with flooding ports, which can be sealed for transport and opened once in position.The work scope is as follows:-Off-site construction of 2no. new target barges including workshop drawings-Transportation to site-Undertake Unexploded Ordnance Survey and removal as required prior to siting-Clear Unexploded Ordnance around new barge position-Lay temporary ground moorings to support new barges during grounding-Tow barge 1 to site and secure to ground moorings-Flood barge and monitor position over 2 tides-Tow barge 2 to site and secure to ground moorings-Flood barge and monitor position over 2 tides-Remove temporary ground moorings
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45223200 - Structural works
45244100 - Marine installations
45222200 - Engineering work for military installations
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors