Home Improvement Service Camden Council
The London Borough of Camden (‘the Council’) has awarded a contract for the provision of a Home Improvement Service to Metropolitan Housing Trust Ltd wich forms part of Metropolitan Thames Valley (MTVH) which is the trading name of Thames Valley Housing Assoiciation Ltd and Metropolitcan Housing Trust Limited. The service will support the Our Camden Plan priority of making homes safe, secure and adapted to meet the needs of our residents. This will enable residents to develop resilience, control and independence allowing individuals to live longer in their own homes., The contract period will be for a maximum length of seven years. Over this time, it is anticipated that there will be changes to local and national policy, which may require a variation to the specification. This may include changes to Disabled Facilities Grants legislation, the Better Care Fund and hospital discharge processes. Such variations may require an increase or decrease to the Contract Price during the life of the contract., The service comes under Chapter 3, Section 7 (Social and Other Specific Services) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Under Regulation 76, the Council may determine the procedure to be applied in connection with the award of the Contracts., The award procedure used was set out in the Instructions to Tenderers published with the tender documents.The contract as been awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender. The procurement process was similar to a one stage tender but had a dialogue stage to clarify elements of the service where the delivery of improved outcomes needed a partnership approach from the Council and the provider. The dialogue element clarified any changes needed to the Specification in relation to the role the Council will play in the delivery of the outcomes being discussed during the dialogue. The dialogue process enabled the Tenderer to identify modifications to be made to their approach to delivering the areas of the Service discussed during the dialogue stage. Following the dialogue stage tenderers submitted a final tender., Please note the contract will be for an initial period of four years with the option to extend, at the sole discretion of the council, for one period of two years and one period of one year. Please further note the total value as stated in this notice includes the extensions.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
70333000 - Housing services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors