Home Visiting Family Support Service
The council intends to award a contract to a single provider for a Home Visiting Family Support Service (HVFSS). The proposed HVFSS will support families in the borough to have access to a high quality HVFSS that is accessible, free at the point of delivery, safe and accountable, to gain confidence, be happy and be supported to reach their full potential. This will be achieved by:r •Promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing r •Offering a broad range of appropriate support, information, advice, and guidance within a quality environment that meets the diverse needs of those participating r •Providing a wide range of personal and social development opportunities r •Offering quality support based on individual needs to enable personal development and life skills r •Promoting positive interventions within the agenda of Bracknell Forest's Council Plan 2023-2027 and the policy paper 'The Best Start for Life' . r •Ensure that the voice of families is heard and acted upon in the design and delivery of the provided service.r r The HVFSS is focused on families with a Tier 2 level of need, with children aged 0-11 years, with at least one child under the age of 5 years. The aim is to provide tailored support to families in response to identified need, through a combination of home visits delivered by staff and volunteers and signposting to other community services.r r Initial contract period is 3 years, with an optional extension of 2 years
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors