Homeless Accommodation Development Project.
Whilst the OJEU is being used as a means of advertising this requirement, the Trust is not running a procurement governed by the Regulations and the Regulations have no application to that competitive exercise.Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, are wishing to establish a partnership agreement for the refurbishment/ development of a living accommodation block and the operational management of that accommodation, which will be used to provide homeless young people living accommodation whilst participating in the Trusts Apprenticeship Scheme.It is anticipated that a Homelessness Charitable Organisation will manage the property and bring with them partners who can refurbish the accommodation block at no cost to the Trust. The accommodation block will remain the property of the Trust but will be offered to the project by way of a lease agreement.The cost for the management of the accommodation will be met via salary deductions from the apprentices there housed.High level objectives to be met via the provision of this are:— Accommodation for 27 apprentices.— A reduction in homeless young people in the area.— Sustained employment for approximately 20 young people per year.— Improved health and wellbeing of the local population.— Best practice model to be championed nationally.— National Awards.— Recognition of the Trust as an employer of choice where new and potential employees know they will be developed to be an asset to the community.— Recognition for partner organisations by supporting this initiative.** It is anticipated that there will be no cost to the Trust for this partnership **Providers may bid for part, or all, of the components.Successful providers will be expected to work with, and share information and resources, with other providers if more than one provider is selected to meet the overall requirement.The components are:1. Refurbishment of the accommodation block.2. Management of the accommodation block (27 bed spaces within 9 flats).Providers must submit a timeline and critical path proposal with their bid that shows how they will deliver these timescales.Title: Refurbishment.Develop the current accommodation block which comprises of nine 4 bedroom student accommodation flats, 3 on each level in a 3 story block, into nine 3 bedroom apartments. Refurbishment of accommodation - Initial consultation, agreement of provision and design phase to be completed by the middle of February 2014. Refurbishment to be completed ASAP.Title: Management of Accommodation.A charitable partner is required to become the social landlord of the accommodation by providing the day to day management and services that are required and expected for this type of accommodation.Management of accommodation – dependent upon refurbishment, but it is anticipated that the contract will start in April 2014.The guaranteed accommodation lease period is for 5 years, with additional years to be negotiated.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45400000 - Building completion work
45300000 - Building installation work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors