Homes England - GCN Mitigation Works & Vegetation Clearance - Lighthorne Heath
Homes England is inviting tenders from contractors experienced in the installation of ecological fencing, pitfall trapping, carpet tiles and newt habitat creation including ponds and planting. The works are described as follows: •Review design details pertaining to the Works; ecological fencing, habitat ponds, planting schedule and the like (see the various Annexes referencing to Annexes 3-15 inclusive) . •Attend a start-up meeting. •Provide machinery and workforce to clear vegetation in the agreed location for the S278 works along the B4100. (see Annex 7) •Provide machinery and workforce to clear vegetation in the agreed location for the newt habitat creation and fenceline (see Annex 10). •Supply materials, plant, equipment and workforce to install pitfall trapping and carpet tiles (see Annex 11). •Supply materials, plant, equipment and workforce to install ecological fencing: semi-permanent great crested newt fencing and temporary amphibian fencing (see Annex 11). Part of the newt capture area along the B4100 was installed and completed in Autumn 2021 Annex 11 shows the lengths of fencing still to be installed with dashed lines the solid lines are complete. •Carry out maintenance checks and repairs to fencing during the works. •Supply materials, plant, equipment and workforce to install 4nr amphibian hibernacula (see Annex 12). •Supply materials, plant, equipment and workforce to install 4nr newt ponds, including emergent and aquatic planting (see Annexes 5, 6, 8 and 9). •Excavated material to be removed and bunded in the adjacent development area. •Supply materials, plant, equipment and workforce to install the habitat creation: post and wire fencing around the natural regeneration area of the woodland (see Annex 6 and 13), including overseeding and tree, woodland, shrub planting as per the planting schedule (see Annex 6,13 and 14). •Supply materials, plant, equipment and workforce to install tree protection fencing; followed by removal once the pond works have been completed (see Annex 15). •Provide a maintenance schedule for the habitat areas, maintenance of the newt fencing and guarantee to replant failing vegetation/trees for the first five years; including site visits. This should include for a clause to exit the maintenance agreement early. •Provide an option cost for subsequent years of management/maintenance on an annual basis. •Supply of welfare provision (as required).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45112000 - Excavating and earthmoving work
45262640 - Environmental improvement works
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors