Open 11 days ago
Homes England - Roles-based Ethnographic Research
Homes England needs to unlock the delivery of 1.5m new homes within this parliament. This will require significant changes to our approach as this target represents an increase in volume of homes built of around 40%. To do that, we require a deeper understanding of the specific, profession-based roles that engage with Homes England - to understand and meet their needs - and the factors that will slow or accelerate progress. At present, we consider roles in the context of 'segments' such as 'Medium-sized Housebuilders' But to understand where growth can come from - and the main barriers or opportunities, we need to build understanding and empathy with the specific needs of those who use our services. This research will begin developing that understanding. It will start with some of the key professions and segments essential to delivery of homes. It will identify the specific, decision-making roles that engage with Homes England when planning new work. And the factors that have material impact. It will look at the nature of those roles, the challenges that are faced, with a view to identifying how Homes England can better support them - through tactical interventions all the way through to the future design of our services. Further information and documents are available via Homes England's e-tendering system;
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