Homes England - West of Ifield Phase 1 Infrastructure Works, Sussex
The detailed element of the application will include the following elements, collectively known as the Phase 1 infrastructure works:Delivery of the first phase of the Crawley Western Multi-modal Corridor, a new single carriageway plus dedicated bus lanes, which forms a connection from Charlwood Road to the east and the primary access route to the development· A Primary Street forming a spine road incorporating primary and secondary street connections, together with parking and loading bays, street lighting and fixtures· Active travel provision with dedicated cycle ways and footways within the primary street· Transport Hubs and provision for bus transport with bus stops and bus priority through a bus only connection to Rusper Road in the east· Bridge crossing of the River Mole· Site clearance and enabling works, including utilities diversions· Utilities, surface and foul drainage infrastructure to service the planned development plot.· Proposed foul pumping station and connection to existing trunk sewer· Landscape works incorporating SuDS corridors, flood mitigation features, ecological mitigation and enhancement and noise mitigation· Local amendments to existing public rights of way
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors