Hosting of Public Health Trainees in the South West
Health Education England working across the south west supports the delivery of Public Health postgraduate specialty training in Devon, Cornwall, Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset. Specialty Registrars are located in a variety of training locations across the region with the majority of training time spent within Public Health departments in Local Government Specialty Registrars are normally employed on either four and a half or five year fixed term training contracts and can be from a medical or non-medical background with appropriate terms and conditions. Specialty Registrars normally commence in post August each year. The actual numbers of Specialty Registrars fluctuates year on year and new starter numbers do not always match the same number of leavers. The maximum General Medical Council training capacity of the programme is for 45 but recruitment is dependent on financial resources and national workforce planning arrangements. The current number of Specialty Registrars is 36. Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the current host employer for the Specialty Registrars and the programme team staff. The host employer will provide the following functions: HR Services including: new starter documents; access to Disclosure and Barring Service forms; work permit applications; access to advertise vacancies/recruitment systems and all associated recruitment processes; occupational health; employee relations services and workforce information services ; Financial Administration including: Payroll and Procurement; a financial Ledger system; Payroll services; Expenses management and access to NHS pensions. Procurement services; Information Technology Support; Office accommodation.
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors