Housing Options Service T453.
Contract-A2FH-AVGYL6.Housing Needs Service.The Council has a statutory duty to provide housing advice, homelessness and housing waiting list services to the residents of Trafford. The provision of these services is established under the framework of the Housing Act 1996, as amended by the Homelessness Act 2002.The nature of the work defined in this specification must take into account the requirements of the Housing Act 1996, the Homelessness Act 2002, the Homelessness (Priority Need for Accommodation) Order 2002, the relevant Codes of Guidance published by Communities and Local Government (CLG), the Localism Act 2011 and any subsequent guidance and targets set by central government. The provider must be able to deliver services given any changes in legislation or in case law.Scope of Service.The provider is required to provide the following services:Manage a Housing Options Service and ensure excellent customer service,Homelessness prevention services that meet the needs of local people,Comprehensive housing options advice,Undertake homelessness assessments and investigations in order to discharge the Council's statutory duties,Services to the homeless (where prevention has not been possible) including having access to a range of temporary accommodation, for example for families, young people or single homeless applicants where appropriate with a dedicated officer to provide advice and assistance to applicants in temporary accommodation,A single point of access for referrals into supported accommodation services and to ensure that referral pathways into accommodation are implemented efficiently and are fit for purpose,Work in partnership with the supported accommodation providers to ensure successful move on from the schemes and ensure the pathway for move on from the accommodation is implemented successfully to enable the required throughput and to minimise bed blocking,Managing the Council's housing waiting list,Implementing the Council's Allocation Policy (2013) and revisions to the Policy within the contract period,Provision of a choice based lettings (CBL) service,Nominating customers for vacancies that arise within Registered Provider (RP) / THT stock in the Borough, in accordance with nomination arrangements,Develop excellent relationships with partner agencies,Housing Needs Register:The purpose of this specification is to set out clearly how the services covered under this contract are to be provided.Meeting housing needs in Trafford is a priority for the Council and the provider must be aware that in delivering this contract, it will be responding to and influencing the corporate agenda on the Council's behalf.The provider will be required to wholeheartedly and willingly take on the responsibilities of the Council and represent the Council in the spirit of true partnership. The provider must take an active part in local joint planning groups with a view to actively promoting the services and effectively engaging with others to improve the services provided.Keeping and maintaining the Councils Register.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors