How can we help trainers assess the skills and practice competence of learners, using remote and online services?
Care Training Consortium (CTC) is a social enterprise that provides training, SVQs and Professional Development Awards for people and organisations, particularly in the health and social care sector. We are continually striving to develop our reach both locally and nationally and have recently strengthened these by developing our use of learning via digital means. Our main challenge now is to develop the best way to deliver remote assessments, where the assessor and the learner are not in the same room but need to be able to properly assess skills that have a physical element (such as taking vital signs) as well as a knowledge base is vital. Solving the ‘assessment of skills and competence’ by remote means would create opportunity for CTC to develop even further and be at the forefront of changing learning within the social care sector.So how can we help trainers assess the skills and practice competence of learners, using remote and online services?Please visit our website for information on CivTech and how to get involved
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