How can we produce a time series of childhood wasting estimates, accounting for climate impacts?
Other related modelling exercises are also underway with UNICEF and other partners to help better estimation of wasting burden to support programming. The key objective of this project would be to collate and develop methods at a global scale that can be used for SDG monitoring, while maintaining links and creating synergies with other relevant projects as appropriate. The project could also include a special case study for the Sahel region as well as a few key focus countries to delve into deeper discussions. Challenge Sponsor(s)UNICEF Desired Outcome 1. A seasonal/climate metadata database which maps dates to specific agricultural seasons/climate patterns (e.g., pre-harvest and post-harvest seasons / rainy and dry season, “hunger” season,) by country 2. Existing household surveys tagged to seasonal/climate information relevant to wasting. 3. Analyses to explore and assess the influence of the seasonal/climate metadata on the wasting estimates in the JME database and other available surveys, and proposed adjustments which could be applied to generate trends across survey years by country. 4. Annual timeseries country wasting estimates, adjusted to reflect the impact of seasons/climate 5. Guidance on how to update and use the seasonal/climate metadata database for optimal planning of survey timings.
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