How to introduce a system of eco-modulation of producers' financial obligations under revised WEEE Regulations
Research to explore how a system of "modulation" of producers financial obligations could be successfully applied to the WEEE system in a way that complements measures under the Eco Design Regulations and rewards producers who put products onto the UK market that will reduce primary material use, reduce carbon and bring wider environmental benefit. The Modulation of financial obligations might focus on horizontal incentives that encourage lightweighting, ecological profiles, durability (inc repairability) and tackle issues of scarce and critical materials identify and address gaps in existing WEEE data relevant to the ongoing policy review. WEEE evidence can be issues on: Household (HH) WEEE (also known as business to consumer) when it's separately collected for a producer compliance scheme by a designated collection facility (DCF), a distributor, or under a system set up to accept WEEE from final holders. Non household (NHH) WEEE (also known as business to business) when it is collected by a PCS for non-household members, or by a non-household producer who, with agreement from their PCS, collect WEEE directly from customers. HH and NHH WEEE collected in this way is "obligated." For HH WEEE, the Secretary of State sets annual targets for each category of WEEE. PCSs receive a share of those targets according to the market share of their membership in each category. The targets are published at the end of March.
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