
HQIP NCA 134 Child Health Clinical Outcome Programme (Lot 1)/ Child Death Overview Panel Information


1. The procurement:1.1. Background Information.The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) has been requested to commission a Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme on behalf of NHS England, DHSSPS Northern Ireland, the Health Department of the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.The Child Health Programme is one of four Clinical Outcome Review Programmes (previously known as confidential enquiries) which are designed to help assess the quality of healthcare, and stimulate improvement in safety and effectiveness by systematically enabling clinicians, managers and policy makers to learn from adverse events and other relevant data.The other programmes are:— The Medical and Surgical Programme;— The Mental Health Programme;— The Maternal Newborn and Infant Programme.The programmes aim to complement and contribute to the work of other agencies such as NICE, CQC, the Royal Colleges and academic research studies with the aim of supporting changes that can help improve the quality and safety of healthcare delivery.Additionally we have been asked to commission an eighteen month project for the development of a child death overview panel (CDOP) information system and database.1.2. The Requirement.Lot 1: Child Health Clinical Outcomes Review Programme.The overarching requirements are as follows:The successful supplier will consult and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to develop a programme that undertakes two work streams relating to Child Health:— Linkage of population based administrative data;— Anonymised case note review by multidisciplinary professionals.Analysis of both mortality and morbidity data will be required. Administrative data should be reported at the lowest level of granularity possible, preferably at local level e.g. Clinical Commissioning Group as well as at regional and national level.The age range to be covered is from post neonatal to 25 years as appropriate.3 priority areas for investigation have been identified:— The interface between different settings on children and young people's care pathways, particularly between primary and secondary care and health and social care;— Quality of care provision;— Transition between children and adult services.2 topic areas have been identified:— Children with chronic neurodisability;— Adolescent mental health.Aims of the Programme:1. To drive improvement in health outcomes and reduce inequalities for children and young people across the two topic areas.2. To highlight variation in the provision and quality of healthcare.3. To highlight gaps in the provision of integrated care for children, young people and their families and provide recommendations on how these can be addressed.4. To put children, young people and their families at the centre of the development and delivery of the work programme.5. To stimulate quality improvement in the delivery of care to children and young people at both local and national level.6. To influence practice change at individual clinician/allied health professional level.7. To highlight issues requiring policy change at a national level and provide recommendations.8. To support commissioning and service redesign by helping commissioners understand their opportunities to improve outcomes for patients and increase value.Lot 2: Information System and Database development project for Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPS).An eighteen month development project (Phase 1).The successful supplier will consult with relevant stakeholders to scope and develop a comprehensive specification for a sustainable, national information system which can support the on-going information management requirements of CDOPs and facilitate the collection, analysis, interpretation and benchmarked reporting of data at a national and local level. This will include:— A detailed dataset which where appropriate meets the standards of the NHS data dictionary;— Functional and technical requirements and estimated costings for a single IT system;— Compliance requirements for all relevant NHS and government information security and governance standards.


Published Date :

4th Dec 2014 10 years ago

Deadline :


Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

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Contract End :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors