HQIP NCA 169 National Clinical Audit of Breast Cancer in Older Patients.
The overarching requirements of this National Clinical Audit are as follows:To improve the quality of services and the outcomes achieved for patents with breast cancer in England and Wales, with a particular focus on addressing the barriers to high quality care for patents who develop breast cancer later in life.This aim will be achieved through a project with the following objectives:1. to develop a robust, high quality audit designed around key quality indicators likely to support local and national quality improvement.2. To achieve and maintain close alignment with relevant NICE national guidelines and quality standards throughout the audit, as appropriate.3. to enable improvements through the provision of timely, high quality data that compares providers of healthcare and comprises an integrated mixture of named Trust or Health Board, MDT, possibly consultant level and other levels of reporting.To identify from the outset the full range of audiences for the reports and other audit outputs, and plan and tailor them accordingly.Aims of this National Clinical Audit:The successful tenderer will provide a national comparative clinical audit of the quality and outcomes of NHS-funded care for older patients with Breast Cancer, in England and Wales. The audit is being commissioned on behalf of NHS England and the Welsh Government.The audit will comprise:Element 1; a continuous prospective audit of all eligible patients from their first presentation at MDT with primary breast cancer.Element 2: a feasibility study to be completed in the first two years of the contract to explore:— the feasibility of extending the audit to cover patients with metastatic disease,— the feasibility and value of linking data from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey with future national breast cancer audit data at patient level,— the feasibility of extending the audit along the patient pathway to include routes to diagnosis, bone health management, planning and palliative care etc.Suitable providers will need to be able to demonstrate:effective and fully integrated clinical leadership.he ability to engage actively with all relevant disciplines.robust project management skills.methodological expertise and experience, data collection, data cleaning and analysis and information security/management skills, including understanding/experience of patient-level data linkage,Sound knowledge of information governance and procedures for gaining permissions for data processing.Capacity and experience to successfully deliver the above requirement(s)Sound economic and financial standing assessed by evidence of professional indemnity insurance, audited accounts covering at least three previous financial years, a statement of turnover, profit & loss account and cash flow for the most recent year of trading, a statement of your cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors