HRB 2022 Evaluation longitudinal - HRB 2022 Independent Programme Evaluation of the states investment in an Irish national longitudinal study of ageing (TILDA)
Background of the HRBThe Health Research Board (HRB) Strategy 2021-2025 sets out a lead role of the HRB in advancing research, data and evidence, ensuring that research is recognised as the key to having a healthy population by delivering value for health, the health system, society, and the economy. This is achieved through both extramural funding of health research across a broad range of disciplines, and intramural provision of evidence synthesis service to the Department of Health, and collection of health data across four national health information systems to support service planning and policy in key areas of the health system. The HRB invites tenders for the provision of an independent programme evaluation of the TILDA study to date. This programme evaluation should be concluded by the end of 2022, but ideally by early November 2022.The programme evaluation will aim to demonstrate the outputs, outcomes and impacts of the study using the Buxton-Hanney Payback Framework (or equivalent), supplemented by other quantitative and qualitative data collected by the successful tenderer. The Payback Framework consists of a logical model representation of the complete research process, and a series of categories to classify the individual paybacks from research. Its multidimensional categorisation of benefits from research starts with the more traditional academic benefits of knowledge production and capacity building and then extends to wider benefits to society.•Knowledge Production•Research Targeting, Capacity Building and Absorption•Informing Policy and Practice and Product Development•Health and Health Sector Benefits• Wider Economic Benefits
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
79315000 - Social research services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors