HS2 EKJV Sections C2 C3 Noise, Vibration & Air Quality Equipment/ Consultancy
The provision of noise, vibration and air quality support compliant with the HS2 Environmental Minimum Requirements and relevant HS2 Technical Standards including Construction Noise and Vibration Predictions/Modelling, Dust Risk Assessments, Air Quality Monitoring Plans and Monthly Reports. In addition the provision of noise, vibration and air quality monitoring equipment compliant with the HS2 Environmental Minimum Requirements, relevant HS2 Technical Standards and relevant IT Standards including the provision of software, maintenance, servicing and calibration services. The services and equipment will be need for approximately 4 years. The number of noise and vibration predictions will be in the region of 140, dust risk assessments will number 20, air quality monitoring plans will number 20 and monthly reporting will be for 4 years. The numbers of monitoring equipment will be 40 noise and vibration monitors and 20 PM10 meters. Through this expression of interest you vetted in accordance with the Eiffage Kier prequalification model - for further information visit Upon successful shortlisting you will be invited to tender from the Eiffage Kier eSourcing platform Market Dojo Eiffage Kier will be using a balanced scorecard approach to its procurement activities - for further information visit the above website
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71313100 - Noise-control consultancy services
38434300 - Noise-measuring equipment
90742000 - Services related to noise pollution
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors