HS2 Future Housing and Commercial Development Opportunities Study
The focus of this commission will be:r •to collate, review and learn from existing efforts to generate growth around HS2 Phase 1 and Phase 2a, including national programmes and regional growth strategies, with an assessment of how implementable these existing strategies are and what lessons can be learnt for delivery of Phase 2a and 2b.r •subject to the outcome of the Integrated Rail Review, to identify strategic development opportunities that exist for the western and eastern legs of Phase 2b, and assess the key barriers which currently exist and may prevent the growth opportunities being delivered fully. r •Although a key focus of the study is identifying benefits for Phase 2b, it is important that any interventions or support that could improve outcomes for Phase 1 and 2a are also explicitly identified. Bidders should also consider the wider context of NPR, and the impact these wider connections have on housing and commercial opportunities.r •to develop a HS2 Opportunities Delivery Strategy that articulates how the identified opportunities could be delivered, including Actions Plans for each relevant station area, and a consideration of the suite of appropriate delivery vehicles and government interventions that would be required to address existing barriers.r r
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1 Possible Competitors